
Music. Loud. Music

Music.  Loud.  Music


When my brain gets noisy and loud one of the things I do is turn my music up. When it gets so busy that I can't stop my thoughts, I make it LOUD. When I can't focus, when I can't hear myself think, I make it LOUDER.

How the heck does my head get this noisy? I have a mostly regular meditation practice precisely to manage this monkey mind. And yet the busier I am, the noisier it feels.

At work, I think about: home.

At home I think about: work.

When I am here, I am thinking about there. When I am there I am thinking about here. I want off of this hamster wheel. I'd like to throw this hamster wheel.

So I make my music loud. REALLY LOUD.

My hip hop playlist is full of completely un-relatable songs that take me out of my everyday and transform me into a chick that takes no ish, never gets tired and is always hustling.

My yoga playlist takes me from the crowded streets of my mind to a dimly lit yoga class, in pigeon pose, where I do my best thinking.

My road trip playlist takes me from excel spreadsheets to memories of long road trips with my best friends, when our biggest worry was where to stop for coffee.

Did I mention that I listen to my music REALLY LOUD?!

The irony is... in that loud, I find quiet. In that raucous, I find peace. In those beats I feel my heart. In those harmonies I restore my vibration.

That noise drowns out my noise. And I can begin again... On my yoga mat, in my meditation and living from my heart. Not my head, my heart.

In perpetual awe and celebration of you,


At work, I think about: home. At home I think about: work. When I am here, I am thinking about there. When I am there I am thinking about here. I want off of this hamster wheel. I'd like to throw this hamster wheel. ”

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